Friday, April 17, 2009

holy huddling

Tomorrow is holy huddling time for me and my tribe (church family). While this may sound sarcastic, I think this is a healthy way to view our church gatherings. As long as we remember that huddles are not the point of a game. Playing the game is the point and huddles simply assist the better playing of a game.

My challenge as a pastor right now is, how can I encourage people to view their holy huddling for what it is and what it is not?

Or how can I encourage people that the majority of their spiritual/ministry energy is best spent outside of the huddle? Churches so often (I think) begin to view the holy huddling as God's great purpose and hope for the world. We think God's work is being successful when the huddle is growing and bustling.

But what if God isn't calling the huddles to grow so much as he's calling us to engage our world for him as He grows His kingdom in the world?

As more people are being blessed. As we use our unique gifts and religious perspectives to bless the real world around us, not compete for market share trying to increase the image of our huddle.

Let's go get em....

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