Thursday, January 17, 2008

statement of truth

This past weekend I was attending a pastor's annual retreat for fellow preachers from my denomination. At one point, my interest no longer captured after long hours of one-way monologues directed toward my ears, I was up walking around outside of the meeting room. I ran into one of the guys who works at my denominational headquarters and made some comment like, "You're tired of sitting too, eh?". He replied refering to the speaker/listener relationship, "The speaker speaks and I listen. Whoever gets done can leave!"

It took me a moment for the cryptic words to expand in my mind as their meaning was released. Then I couldn't stop chuckling to myself.
How true!

I'm sure there's many a patient listener of my frequent preaching attempts that have day-dreamed about the freedom to act on the above statement. The fact is, that statement packs much truth. Whether or not a listener actually gets up and leaves when he/she feels done, he/she does leave mentally!

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