Saturday, December 8, 2007

Worship-Industry product or soul response?

Worship is a fitting topic for me to contemplate today as Saturday is the day my denominational tradition believes we should focus on it. While the Saturday Sabbath has some beautiful Biblical symbolism, I think the greater truth is that everyday, in all aspects of life, there are immense opportunities to worship.

This little video clip from Brian Mclaren poses some challenging thoughts about worship. I wonder if worship is really less about the environments we as church organizations try to create to "have worship" in, and more about the automatic responses of our souls to experiencing something beautiful about God. When Jesus healed a leper, it says "he fell down and worshiped Him". Jesus also indicated, when talking to the woman at the well, that worship wasn't about being in the "right" place either. It was about a celebration of the heart in response to God's truth (my paraphrase) no matter where you are.

So, today, as you and I experience real life (the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful), my prayer is that our eyes will be opened to some of the many opportunities for our hearts to be drawn out towards our Father in Heaven in a soul response of worship. And if it happens to occur during one of the worship industry times (worship services), then that's great too!

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